Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Starting Fall 2015!
The Latin American Studies Program Fall 2015 semester is off to a rip-roaring start with an already packed schedule the last couple of weeks! We can’t believe how fast time is flying by; we can barely keep up! This semester we have 20 students from 13 different schools within the Council. After finishing orientation week and our first two weeks of Core Seminar, we are taking off this Friday for our trip to the Caribbean coast in the province of Limón! So far in Core Seminar we have discussed important issues of neo-colonialism in the region, poverty, and the economic system and its impact on local realities. Students are sharpening their Spanish skills in their classes at ICADS every afternoon. Additionally, students have begun perhaps their most important learning component of living with their host families and they are doing an excellent job of connecting and building deep, life-changing relationships. New this year, we have even enjoyed the fellowship of a university, student-led Bible study at the University of Costa Rica each week (CEM). We will soon take our learning outside of the classroom and get some first-hand experience on the move as we take off on our Limón trip. We look forward to wrestling together with some important themes related to export economies as well as indigenous realities in Latin America, and discrimination in Costa Rica, specifically. We of course also anticipate a fun time at the beach and exploring downtown Limón together! Our semester has already provided us with some important learning opportunities and we look forward to growing and learning even more together in the coming months!
Becoming Cultural Learners activity in orientation
LASP orientation on the first day of the program!
Fellowship night with CEM, learning to dance
Fellowship night with CEM, playing board games
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
A Critical Thinking Community
We have finished our Spring 2015 semester and students are now in the process of
transitioning back home. Here is a reflection from David Crowe (FA ’14, Covenant College) on how the learning ignited in a
semester abroad is a lifelong process that continues even after returning home.
Praise God that we are able to “cultivate a Christ-centered community of
critical thinking learner-scholars” that makes LASP a truly rich study abroad
One of the guys who lived on my hall last year attended
the Latin American Studies Program this semester and just recently came back to
the U.S. For the past couple months we've been saying how we can't wait to talk
to each other about our experiences because… “We know.” He said he can't wait
to talk to me and another friend who did the program in spring 2014 because we
know what it's like to go through it. It's so true. Most of the people that we
know haven't gone through an experience as intense and challenging as the Latin
American Studies Program. That's why we're so excited and anxious to talk with
each other about our experiences because we "get it." We understand
the struggles, the challenges, the questions, and everything else that one goes
through when one does LASP.
This makes me think of all the friends I made while
in Costa Rica because they “get it” and they “get” me. Even though I know a lot
of great people and even though I've had good conversations with people, there
doesn't seem to be anything that can compare with the conversations I've had
with those people up there in that picture. ^^^
I remember a conversation I had with Molly on the
bus back to our host families about poverty and living standards, and if the
Bible has different implications for different people groups. I remember having
a conversation with Conor, John, Haley and Kelsey in Granada, Nicaragua about
consumerism and this idea that if we have the resources to have everything we
want materially, like indoor plumbing, bigger houses, more TV channels, etc.
then why not have it? I remember conversations with Jenica and Rachel after
lectures about feeling hopeless and useless when faced with the problems of the
world. I also remember Jenica, Rachel, Kelly, and Mandi and how we struggled so
much with our project on the Marginalized of Latin America. We kept feeling so
defeated and kept going back and forth between ideas. We could not figure out
what to think, feel or do and eventually we had to take a break and go get some
bread and empanadas from the store
down the road. I remember talking with Jenniah on the bus on the way to Volcán
Poás because she asked for advice and tips on how to improve her Spanish. I
remember talking with Bre, Veronica and Michael on the way back to the LASP office
from our Community Immersion Experiences and sharing our general thoughts about
what we had learned throughout the semester. I remember talking with Jason on
Facebook just a few weeks ago about singleness and the frustrations that can
come with that. And of course I always remember my conversations with Rose and
Kelsey. On our walks to and from our San José houses we always had the best
conversations about spirituality, theology and all the topics that we were
learning about in Core Seminar.
I have grown so much from those conversations and I
need those people in my life. I want to keep having conversations with them, to
keep learning from them and to keep growing together.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Treasured Moments
This week's student blog post comes from Emily Price, student from Messiah College in Pennsylvania. Emily reflects on the moments that most touched her heart throughout the semester, those beautiful experiences which are most important to all of us in the end.
How do I describe my LASP Experience?
I could
tell you about the gorgeous beaches or the grand volcanoes that I visited here
in Costa Rica. Or about all the new Spanish words I have learned. Or about all
the shocking and horrific things in the corrupt systems that exist in our
world, systems that perpetuate injustice and hurt the majority of the people in
the world. But more than anything, I want to tell you about how strangers
opened their homes to me and became my family. I want to tell you about the joy
I found in walking to class every day. I want to tell you how I have come to love
and treasure the simple moments of my time here in Latin America.
Moments like….
Sitting in the kitchen spilling flour everywhere
while helping my mother make bean and cheese empanadas
Missing the bus for the beach in Nicaragua and
instead catching a ride in the back of the watermelon truck
Joking around with my host-brother for the
hundredth time when he pretends to be sleeping
Walking through the streets of Costa Rica, and passing
the same guard everyday who greets me with PURA
Sitting in bed with my host-sister and mother
having deep conversations about our life and faith and how everything is in
“las manos de Dios”
Trying to find the words to explain the
definition of “gringo” to my father
Playing school with little sister in Nicaragua
by teaching her colors and numbers in Spanish
Walking outside my house every night to look up
at the stars and the beautiful luna
Standing in front of the Hermanos en Cristo
congregation in Nicaragua wanting to share my thanks, by saying we will never
forget this experience. But instead stumbling over my Spanish and saying…
“Nosotros olvidaremos esta experiencia” or “We will forget this experience” in
front of the entire congregation. (I hope they understood, but at least now I
have a good story to tell)
10. Not
knowing why my family and I were skipping church and then finding out after two
hours in the car that we were going to a strawberry festival
11. Arriving at my new home and meeting at least
30 members of my new family and friends because they are so excited to have me
12. Enjoying
cafecito twice a day, just for the opportunity to drink delicious coffee and
enjoy conversation with my family.
13. Falling
asleep on the couch in the living room, as my family watches yet another
Saprissa soccer game
14. Waking
up in the morning to hearing my neighbor’s rooster crow, or my aunts chattering
outside my window.
15. Sitting outside my house, talking with my aunts
and family while trying to get a smile out of my little cousin
I do not know when it happened. But
somehow, little by little, Latin America has stolen my heart. This place has
become my home, my family, and my joy. I am truly overwhelmed by the love and
generosity that has been showed to me. How am I ever going to leave???
Friday, March 27, 2015
Remembering Oscar Romero
This week's student blog post comes to us from Julie Marmion. Julie is a student at Biola University, studying Spanish and linguistics. Here, she reflects on the recent commemoration of the legacy and life of Archbishop Oscar Romero from El Salvador, who was assassinated in 1980 while giving mass.
Two days ago was the celebration
feast day of Monseñor Óscar Romero. Perhaps his legacy is unfamiliar to you,
but as the Catholic Church prepares for his canonization, I encourage you to
carefully consider his life as an example for living out Jesus’ mission for
justice. Romero was the archbishop of El Salvador during the late 1970s in the
midst of great governmental violence, yet despite the impending peril, he found
strength to speak out against the violence, torture, poverty, and disregard for
human dignity. Although he was assassinated, his message planted a seed of hope
among the people of Latin America.
I cannot begin to understand the
situation of the oppressed, but my experiences here in Latin America have put a
face to the issues and injustices about which I have learned. Although I had
previously learned about the fight of the Sandinistas against Somoza in
Nicaragua, living and conversing with a family who had experienced the
revolution gave me a personal connection to the situation. It wasn’t just
another group of citizens fighting for liberty; it was Chilo, Isella, and Eric.
It was the beautiful face staring back at me as we enjoyed our Sunday morning
breakfast of Nacatamales.

In the documentary “Romero”, Rutilio
Grande, an influential priest and advocate for human rights, professed, “How
can I love God who I don’t see if I don’t love my neighbour who I do see?”
This causes me to reflect on my attitude with respect to the oppressed and
my responsibility as a Christian. Sometimes we get caught up with other aspects
of faith that we ignore Jesus’ vision for society—a Kingdom characterized by
love and justice. This vision still lacks completion. Thus, we as Christians
ought to offer ourselves as instruments in God’s triumph over injustice as we
follow the example of Jesus and those such as Óscar Romero who shared his
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Nicaraguan Host Families
One of the things that really sets a semester at LASP apart is our focus around placing students in host families throughout the semester. Very few days are spent living in an environment with just members of the group, and we do so a proposito. Our goal is that students will connect in meaningful ways with their hosts, and become true members of a family, not just a guest in a home. Many students cite their host family experiences as that which impacted them the most during their semester at LASP. Check out our latest semester update to see what I mean (and maybe read a quote YOU wrote alumni!). Pura Vida.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Of Things that Aren't So Different
This week's student blog post is written by current Spring 2015 LASPer Tyler Struyk. Tyler is from Terrace, British Columbia and studies at The King's University.
You can read more & follow his blog here.

Now this
is something I have been reflecting on lately and its fairly convoluted in my
mind so I apologize if it spills through my fingertips that way too. From my
first few days of orientation when absolutely everything felt different and was
new and unfamiliar one quote from the director of my program still pierces my
thoughts: “Be slow to judge for the strangers and the strange all around you
are experiencing your strangeness.” How true that is, and how often it seems to
me that the average North American abroad might never realize that it is THEM
that is the strange and the different. With the advantage of having been given
this insightful hint of advice I have been keenly aware to be aware, though I
don’t always make it past the first “aware”, of my own outlandishness in this
place. Now I won’t bore you now with all my displaced peculiarities, for you
know many of them well within yourself as everyday habits and reactions, but
let it be enough to know that they are very real and present everyday even
though I might not always perceive it.
Up to this
point I realize the title may seem fairly misleading. But it was necessary to
talk about the importance of the differences before realizing the contradiction
of the title. I have been here in Costa Rica now for almost four weeks and have
barely scratched the surface but it has been enough to scratch away some of the
veneer that shimmers as a blinding wall of otherness. And underneath all is not
different. There are the little things that are the same like breakfast, lunch,
and dinner and a universal enjoyment of the three. Or a morning shower, a
bakery to treat oneself to doughy goodness, and jaywalking. But when I talk
about similarities it’s not the little things I am thinking of, though those
have come to be very important for a sense of groundedness. It’s the bigger, often
less tangible, but more real similarities I am thinking of.
But allow
me a little more background so you understand in part why I have been thinking
of such things. The LASP program is about opening students eyes to the
realities of Latin America; the problems, the successes, the language, the
people, the history, and the relationship with North America among other
things. And much of the classes in these subjects have brought on the
realization of the terrible things we humans in general (and North America to
Latin America specifically) are capable of doing to each other militarily,
economically, and socially in the name of democracy, economics, growth, and
safety. “Socialism” is not an excuse for Augusto Pinochet, or drugs, “the
public enemy number one”, are not an excuse for torture, indiscriminate
killing, and war in Colombia, and “neo-liberalism” is not an excuse for the
Canadian company Infinito Gold to sue Costa Rica for a billion dollars when its
people have chosen carbon-neutrality over foreign investment. And it is not an
excuse to do all these things because others are so “different” or “alien” that
the civitas, subconsciously or not, assent to it.
Maybe all
too often we live and travel and experience with a kind of cultural myopia that
only lets us see the little things at are feet that are the same while
everything in front of us seems different and unknown. And maybe all too often
we think in a way that identifies the similarities in the different rather than
the differences in the similar. The first view allows us to visit, enjoy
something exotic from our tiny viewpoint, and leave before it inconveniences us
keeping the term “responsibility” nicely wrapped up for our little world at
home. The second view calls us to realize a global responsibility with all
humanity and to realize joy not suspicion at differences. But maybe you already
knew that. Its in the Book. And its this second meaning of similarity I mean.
Under the veneer are people who also know what it is to laugh with their
friends not because something is funny but because they are experiencing the
joy of fellowshipping together. Under the veneer are people who also see the
sun and the stars and sometimes get the shivers for pausing to think about how
tiny they really are. Under the veneer are people who have the same desire to
be loved and to love and to live in relationships with others. And under the
veneer of all those differences are people who are people too.
It’s our
differences that should give us the compassion and wonder we need to work
toward a better, inclusive global community but so often it’s the differences
that lead to hate, to prejudice, to injustice, to poverty, to violence, to war.
But then maybe it’s not the differences we need but the similarities. So
together can we humble ourselves and finally pick up those glasses we’ve been
given from Him and see that maybe it’s really our little things that are
different and the big things that are the same.
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the
first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor
as yourself.”
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